Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Tail -The Last Imp PATR -The Blade Of The Exile King Torakon -Chapter 1

                             Chapter 1


                         Back At The Castle

The sun had beat down on me ever since i had gotten here. Bright,yet warm and had a breezy chill because of the wind handing over signs that there may be a shower or two by the afternoon. The people in Fallmier were much happier since the very first time i had seen them after getting out of Gallant. I still collected herbs and such now and then. What to do, I had thought. Now that i got this blade maybe i can find out what or where or even how this thing managed to make it through all these years. Well, i daid to myself. " I could take it to Jasper Collins and see what he may think of it,but,i thought again, "what if someone finds it to be valuable? Almost too valuable... I must sleep on this and i knew it from my metal head down to my metal boot. Ah, I can sleep there!

     The Fallmier INN And The New Discovery Of The Mysterious Blade

The Next morning was like i had just got out of a med bed after surgery of getting whacked with an iron flail. I had all night to think of what i should do. I had thought long and hard and it came to me that the blade i possessed shall never be in an other's possession. I had sheathed it in another leather sheath to my off hand selection and had kept my original sword i had bought in Fallmier's market district that i had had since the beginning. I stared far out the mundane to see a farm worker a-wave at me saying, PATR! I need your assistance lad and continued to explain further that his farm was being robbed by an random gang member from Guitemaballa terrain.

                                          I responded and said

 I am in an early quest pursuit of a personal crisis agenda!
But, I can be there by noon or after!
What does this job offer fellow citizen of Fallmier?
The words had ended from my dry mouth and empty stomach. I tell ya, the farmer began to present his words of bargain and said, " I will offer you a deed to a part of my steed. Really? I did not know what i would do with a steed and thought even deeper. I accept your bargain!

                                 A Quest Left With A Tragic Ending 

 PATR had thought hard and could not understand how come there were still thieves and murderers who had still of been stealing the long hard earned treasures of the civilized Fallmier citizens. He had contemplated many time's in his own inner intelligent skull fallowing tissue of just how it would be that he could help every single citizen of Fallmier and had decided that he would regardless of what happened, try to reach them all. And,as he had agreed,he was at the farm with steeds at noon. The farm was located about a hundred and fifty miles from Fallmier and required PATR to rent a horse from the local stables rental house just outside the gated rock he had always called home.The farmer,PATR had searched was not anywhere near his steed or barns or anywhere on his plot, so, PATR knew that there was only one other place to look and was in his home with a mail slot and a home made wooden plaque carved by hand with the last name pronouncing Erwin, "Erwin Steed". The wood door was cabin mold and creeked its way open. The house was old and damp with the fireplace not burning. There was no sound or voice that had came of his home. And, he had seen the worse thing he had seen for quite awhile. Erwin! he shook his corpse. Dang it! He almost cried. His instinct was to inform the castle Fallmier' king of his discovery and he left him back onto his horse and to the castle.His first quest that had ended tragicly.

                                                  The Sudden Change In The Weather

 You are before the king PATR. I will not disrespect PATR had replied to the king's servant. I am here on a matter that had happened out in the civilized farmer era just outside the castle PATR held firm in his word. I see and what will this happening be PATR? Well, Your royalty ,PATR had continued. I seen a farmer who presented me a job yesterday to of been slain when i had arrived to do work for him. Is that so,the king had said. Yes it is your royalty PATR said and had stepped down from his presence. I see a traveller with a well known reputation for doing work here in Fallmier,not a criminal and the king waved his power to his most loyal guards saying,"so be it!"Be on your way PATR he announced with no extra judgement and let out a last ruling and said in a humble manner,"Be on with you!"So it was PATR had went on his way. After he had left the presence of the king of Fallmier he had seen it. A storm bigger than the years past had a darkness with a unknown prediction to it. It was huge and miles upon miles long and had covered the entire area that makes up Fallmier and every other section that was within three to four thousand miles of them. This doesn't look good PATR had veered about. This does not look good at all!

                                          Is It A Witch Or Something Else?

The rain had began to poor down. Lightning had struck three hundred or more times per minute. PATR was still out in the monsoon of the incoming danger. Who or what could be causing this and here in Fallmier of all places? PATR's thoughts had went deeper and deeper and he had kept searching through the clues as if it were a life long to build puzzle he could not quite put his war nose on. His specialties was always solving clue's,but,this clue had not a clue to be had. I have to find out where this storm had came from, PATR cried saying, "i never seen anything like this". A minute or two had crossed PATR's purchased helm mettle and people had begun to riot the street running and screaming for their live's. Hey you! PATR grabbed at a citizens shoulder cloth. What? The citizen had said and tried to run again screaming. Its got a pointy hat and is mended of magic!

        The Witch Of  Recent Past And Fallmier's Most Feared Enemy's Return

The witch was not seen by PATR right away. It was not until PATR had faced a southerly direction when he had seen her. The witches pointy hat was nothing a normal witch would wear and the way it was worn was in a way to show superiority over the other witches in existance. It is rumored that not many witches exist in and around Fallmier,but some do rumor to be seen in some of the farthest edges of the world of Sparta. A witch capable of bringing storms and chaos to an entire race is called the supreme witch because they are definitely more powerful than the lesser witch, "The Apprentice".
A witches apprentice learns usually from a flock of supreme;s and is until he or she is capable of over throwing another witch. The power of a witch depends on there experience and combat history and there line of witchcraft in there heritage. Stop right there witch! PATR put his feathered fingers on his blade. Yah hee he he, the witch laughed and said told PATR there was no way that he was going to stop her from her spells and magickry. I will not let you destroy Fallmier witch! Well, the witch grinned humorously,then, "you will die like the others".

            Death By The Blade Of The Exile King Torakon

The battle had began. The Witch wold not give her name to PATR and PATR kept smacking Torakon's blade handle trying to find out how to use and wield its power. The minutes had turned to an half hour and shortly after became a solid hour or two while the witch immensely had continued to tear up the city and chase the citizens of Fallmier. C'mon, PATR talked to Torakon.I just got to figure out how you....There was a pause and a bright purple light that had ingited the terror that was before Fallmier.The Blade had possessed PATR's Bodily functions and movements,"he was now under its control". The whole event had left a blank spot in PATR's memory when he had awoke the very next morning in a prior storm puddle and the witch was gone,but,her gown and hat remained. The sun had shined upon the damage and the terror had cleared the streets and returned into a huge group of  highly confused citizens. What happened?PATR began to ask.Well, there was this bright purple light and then you had enraged into this thing and then.....a citizen gasped for air and PATR interupted saying,"Nevermind". The sun had stayed shining and PATR had stood to his a balanced metal boots and the people had taken a change of heart and a man had yelled the terrible news, "The King Is Dead!". The people had awed and looked at each other and then back at PATR who's blade was still glowing a hot purple fiery when a silence had filled the air and fallowed a brief bow to his feet.
This Can not Be! The yelling man had feared and looked for the king's son and had seen him also bowing to PATR and the blade that had slain the witch.Whoa,the Yelling man had awed and acted like he had seen a ghost,"its The Blade Of The Exile King Torakon". In legend,he continued to think and had whispered a -loud, it is said whoever can wield the power of the exiles is the one who is chosen to lead the spartan army and rule over all on the planet of Sparta.
                                                             PATR Spoke
                                The King Is Dead and You bow to me for guidance!
                                               So,I Say This. "You Are Free".
                                  Or fight with me and let Sparta be Sparta again!

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