Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Tail -The Last Imp PATR -The Blade Of The Exile King Torakon -Previously


Three men had escaped Gallant Prison. One of them was The Last IMP PATR. He had traveled back to Fallmier where the ones were at that had put him in prison in innocents. PATR had found a life as an adventurer doing quests for anyone who would pay the proper coin and help him along his journey. After arriving, he had seen Fallmier's Marketing district robbed and banks empty,which is where his adventure had all began. PATR settled out and found the robber and completed several of his other quests until he had found another adventurer doing the same thing as he was and was offered a chance of a lifetime for an end quest of all quests. The quest was to travel to a ghost ship where this friendly adventurer just like hims parents were supposedly killed,when they arrived,there visions were dimensions of another world beyond there imaginations and the life as they knew it,when, PATR had found a mysterious blade and his adventurer named Alex had found his parents resting place. Little known that the mysterious blade found by PATR belonged to Alex's father and would be the blade that brings about the beginning to the rest of PATR's Adventure's.

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