Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Tail -The Last Imp PATR -The Blade Of The Exile King Torakon -Chapter 2

                              Chapter 2


               I have already Chosen A Commander

The year is 2000020 and on Sparta is a war brewing against any who rebel against King Torakon and the spartan army taking back over there home planet.
                                                       King Torakon Speach
                           You ask who will lead you into battle?
                           You ask who will give you orders that i deliver?
                           I say a king has that authority and so do you!
                           I have already chosen your commander.
                                                     He is.......
                                    The Son Of Your Fallen King

                           A Commanders First Initial Battle Win

 Three weeks were said and gone and had rumored to be the longest weeks in the empire as well as some of the toughest in the history of Fallmier and the land of Sparta. Massive troops were built within these weeks and markets had been turned into war feeding camps for the army of Spartans that had a destiny to take back over all of planet Sparta. The nearest battle as well as the first had went well for commander Raymond and had made The Last IMP PATR very happy. A total loss was under the hundreds mark and as for the defeat was glorious. The Capital of Tromlar had fallen and the march for victory had continued.

                              The victory's Are Pooring in Sir!

A victory for commander Raymond had moved from one to plenty approximately totaling fifteen and the fallen were as fallows.
Tromlar      Demlar        Tonto
Sentla         Ruralon        Rostlon
Ventor        Parlinka        Echo
Arkin          Grosa           Fort Binge
Larne          Aberding's   Messatope Bay
And,the battles did not stop there. The march had continued with commander Raymond's four million strong and yet capable men and the blade of the exile king torakon had shined the night,cleared the fog,put out any fire,even healed some of his men.

                       Twenty Even Thirty More Victories For Fallmier

How victorious can we be IMP PATR? Raymond had asked. As victorious as it takes commander! IMP PATR responded back to Raymond during there meet on the Windling Mountains Of Chit. We must take back this planet for all our peoples sake Raymond. I know this sir! Raymond agreed. Now,IMP PATR pointed toward the new battle front of the black isles leading his finger up to the black castle saying,"For The People Of Fallmier!".
Raymond had continued back to his duties and had order his platoon of four million men through the black isles and onward to the black castle where they had eventually stood days later. The castle was silent and there was no armies standing the castle front,but,the attack was still ordered to continue.
Another victory was declared on the fourth month of recorded battle data which it only had took Fallmier three days and two night to conquer the Black King of the Black castle. The war was now only half over.

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